Welcome to the Super Rad Arcade!

I'm Ryan, otherwise known as FistoftheWind on the internets. This is my personal space for retro video gaming, movie and television reviews as well as a lot of other junk from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for stopping by! When you're done reading be sure to check the forum link above and meet our other friends from the Mega Base.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Update on Life

Just a quick digest on what's been going on in my personal life lately because I've been too busy to keep up with the blog lately.

Most important of all, Connor turned 5 on the 7th of July! You may not understand if you don't have kids of your own, but that's crazy! 5 years have blasted by so unbelievably fast I feel like it's just slipped away. I feel like Connor should still be 3 and Liam just a baby. But even he, at 2, is running and jumping around just as wild as Connor.

For his birthday the family gathered for a blue pool party. If you're wondering what a blue pool party is, well it's a pool party where everything is blue.  Blue presents, blue cake, and blue decorations. He asked for everything to be blue, so we made his wish come true. See what I did there? Heh. He had a great day and lots of fun. My favorite moment was when we sang happy birthday and Connor was the loudest of all of us.

I'm so proud of the boys for everything they do, well maybe not the messes they make, but that's the dude gene in them I passed on so I guess it's partly my fault.

In internet related news, I've decided to discontinue my monthly picks for a while, despite the amount of hits they were getting. I've found that I'm just not good with putting a deadline on myself, especially with the blog which is purely recreational. I have a lot more fun just writing when I feel like it.

On the subject of writing, my story is still chugging along even though the past few weeks I've just spent time going back to re-write pieces of earlier chapters. I tend to get nit-picky with anything artistic I invest myself in. I'm told every day that I need to stop doing that so I'm going to make a serious effort to improve there.

How about that Ultra Street Fighter IV announcement? Though I've retired from the tournament scene for the most part, I have to admit the trailer got my fighting spirit burning again. I still don't have the time or money to travel like I used to, but I definitely want to pick up this new version to permanently keep the dust from collecting on my arcade sticks.

I love the Aquabats. Their newest album Hi-Five Soup is wicket tight. I'd love to call myself an Aquacadet, but honestly I just can't figure out how to join the fan club. There used to be an address where you could mail in 10 bucks and get an awesome patch and other goodies but that's no more. You probably have to hand the Commander 10 bucks in person, who knows, but I should work on making that happen anyway. I love that guy.

So what I had planned on being a brief digest has gotten quite lengthy, so I think I'll go ahead and call it quits for the night. As always, thanks again for stopping by and reading.

Good health and prosperous adventures to you all!

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