Welcome to the Super Rad Arcade!

I'm Ryan, otherwise known as FistoftheWind on the internets. This is my personal space for retro video gaming, movie and television reviews as well as a lot of other junk from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for stopping by! When you're done reading be sure to check the forum link above and meet our other friends from the Mega Base.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What's the world like through your eyes?

Sometimes it's easy for us to forget that other people occupy this world other than ourselves. Sure, you know there are people around you, but do you acknowledge them as more than just a label? How conscious are you that each of the beings around you is a unique individual, just as one of a kind as you are and not a mere archetype to be filed away?

Okay so that may not be that difficult at all for the majority of people you meet. But what about those out there that weren't dealt a hand as good as yours (or what you think is a good hand anyway).

What about those people you've met that you simply labeled as fat, ugly, retarded, gross, weird, gay, stupid, deformed, etc. and brushed off. You know, not worth your time. Were you able to look past those labels and understand that these individuals are more than that unappealing label you created for them? Can you think back to one of these people you've met and try to understand that they are alive inside, just as much so as you?

It's a shame how we perceive each other. We fail to realize that a person is not defined by the label we assign them, or even the labels we assign ourselves. A person has to live with what ails them, but it does not define their entire existence. It's not just in how you perceive others, but now you perceive yourself as well. Don't let what's wrong about you be who you are. If you can accept that then I believe the road to accepting other people for who they truly are will open itself to you.

We all need to try to dig a little deeper before brushing someone off or attacking them because they're different. You may hate or disapprove of someone because of their appearance, disease, or lifestyle, but in reality you probably share some things in common. Do you ever stop to wonder if they have interests and passions just as much as you do?

I'm not perfect, I'm guilty of this just a much as the next person, but at least I'm conscious of it which will hopefully help me to continue to be an open and friendly person.

If you've bothered reading this far I thank you. I'm not trying to change the world or anything, because we all know people have been writing similar things since the beginning of time. I'm just letting my thoughts flow.

Our race has shown hate since the beginning and will always show hate. But if I can inspire at least one person to think a little differently then that's another small step in the right direction. I believe change in ones self can inspire change in others as well. As they say, treat others how you yourself would like to be treated.

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