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I'm Ryan, otherwise known as FistoftheWind on the internets. This is my personal space for retro video gaming, movie and television reviews as well as a lot of other junk from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for stopping by! When you're done reading be sure to check the forum link above and meet our other friends from the Mega Base.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Nerdy News and E3 2015

What a week it's been so far! This has been the coolest bunch of E3 announcements we've seen in a long time. There's a ton of stuff to potentially talk about, but I'll probably just share my thoughts on the stuff that interests me. This is gonna be all over the place.

Shenmue 3! SHENMUE 3!

Can you tell I'm excited? This is like a dream come true, we'll finally get to see the next chapter of Ryo's story. I would imagine they'll wrap up everything with part 3, unless sales go really well. The original Shenmue project was stated to be 6 games total but was ultimately down sized due to the discontinuing of the Dreamcast.

The only catch is that this project is to be funded completely by kickstarter campaign. As of this morning though, donations have well exceeded the 2 million needed for development of the main game. So there's no longer anything to worry about there. From here on the rest of the donations will be going towards stretch goals to add more content to the game. So let's keep donating.

Street Fighter V is shaping up to be pretty awesome. They announced Birdie this weekend and...well...the years haven't been to kind to him physically. He looks like he plays like a power house at least.

I'm really excited about the V-Skills, particularly Ryu's ability to parry a la SF3 Third Strike. Chun li's crazy fast V-skill jump looks really useful for her to get in close, especially against fireball spam.

Ryu is now playable in Super Smash Bros! And you can play him using the traditional special inputs if you want. I guess I'm gonna have to give in and pick up a copy now that all nearly all of my top favorite series are represented. 

Cup Head looks amazing to behold. It's like a living, truly interactive cartoon! I'm certainly not a huge fan of the art style from that era, but you have to admit this is a gorgeous game because of it. I spotted a few segments of bullet hell that looked delightfully fun. I'll definitely be keeping my eye on this one.

The Xbox One seems to finally be a relevant console to me, but ultimately I think I've decided on the PS4 for my next console purchase. I mean, it's pretty much a given now that Street Fighter V and Shenmue 3 are exclusives for it. Time to start saving.

Star Fox looked really impressive and fun to play. Still can't stand the theme song they've been using since Star Fox 64. C'mon guys, bring it back to this.

So yeah, it's been an exciting E3 to say the least, but those are the things I'm the most pumped about personally. Sorry that this post was such a random spillage of thoughts, I guess I'm still reeling from the Shenmue 3 announcement to do a more organized run down.

What are some of the announcements you were most excited about?

Thanks for reading!

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