Welcome to the Super Rad Arcade!

I'm Ryan, otherwise known as FistoftheWind on the internets. This is my personal space for retro video gaming, movie and television reviews as well as a lot of other junk from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for stopping by! When you're done reading be sure to check the forum link above and meet our other friends from the Mega Base.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pandemonium Gaming at Mellow Mushroom Aug 7th

Last night I attended my first gaming session hosted by the Pandemonium Gaming Co. out of Johnson City Tennessee and I just wanted to give some shout outs to those that attended and give my thoughts on the event.

First of all I had a blast and will definitely be attending their future events.  Their staff was very nice and had their act together in terms of organization and equipment.  I was impressed that they went before the event and purchased additional controllers and equipment in case there weren't enough for the players.  Most events will tell you to have your own equipment ready or face disqualification.  In my personal opinion if you're going to a gaming event you should have your own controllers ready to go, but I understand things can get in the way of that due to traveling and money constraints, which is why I thought it was awesome they made the gesture of purchasing extra equipment.

The area set aside for the event by Mellow Mushroom was nice and spacious enough to host an event like this; it was probably the most impressive set up I've seen held at a restaurant for an event.  Unfortunately in my past experience the owners of similar establishments will gladly welcome your event but then act like you're a nuisance once the event actually takes place.  The staff of Mellow Mushroom seemed like they were glad to have us there though and even gave some shout outs to the gaming event during their trivia game.  Having beer and food at the ready is always a positive as well!

The only downside to the event was that there were a lot of players missing from their usual crowd, so unfortunately they were unable to hold their tournaments.  Regardless, there were still a lot of us there and we definitely enjoyed a long evening of free gaming.

Now I want to give some shout outs to some of the awesome people I met at the event:

Jason and Ted - Thanks for putting this event together!  You guys were super nice and organized.  It made for a very welcoming atmosphere, which is something I think some other competitive events miss the mark on.  Ted, sorry the Street Fighter tournament didn't happen, it seemed like you were ready to see some serious throw downs.

Jacob - Always a pleasure playing you man.  I'm sorry we didn't get to throw down with our mains, I think we were both saving them for the tourney.  Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet in the finals next time!

Fei Long guy - I'm sorry I didn't catch your name.  I dunno if you'll ever see this but your Fei Long was solid.  Thanks for the 30+ sets!

Everyone else I played - You guys are good and you should enter the tournament next time!  But whether you do or not I hope we can play again soon.

Be sure to follow Pandemonium Gaming Co's Facebook page for news on their upcoming events!

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