Welcome to the Super Rad Arcade!

I'm Ryan, otherwise known as FistoftheWind on the internets. This is my personal space for retro video gaming, movie and television reviews as well as a lot of other junk from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for stopping by! When you're done reading be sure to check the forum link above and meet our other friends from the Mega Base.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Just Why is "Retro Gaming" Back?

This "retro" craze is a strange time for me because these are the games and consoles I grew up with and at the same time I never really stopped playing them, so the idea of them being considered "retro" is odd on me. Then again I am in my 30's -_-

I think there are two big factors at play here. One opinion is that there is an over abundance of FPS games on the market. Quite literally if you don't like shooting then there is little for you with this new generation of consoles. This is hopefully changing as indie gaming continues to find its footing, but with most indie games available on PC, why would you drop the money on an expensive new game console?

The other factor of course is that it happens to be trendy. I sure wish it was cool to brag about playing old games when I was back in school, because believe me kids of today, it was not. You can see the same sort of parallels in the music industries-how a certain style of music will kind of disappear, only to be rediscovered and enjoyed by future generations.

Fads however come and go. Personally I can only hope that people continue to enjoy retro gaming for the long term. For the longest time I thought I was alone out there in my gaming taste, still playing my Genesis while everyone was hopping on board the PS2/3 and Xbox. It's great to have people to talk about this stuff with now.

The only thing that sucks are the prices. I wish there weren't so many ignorant people out there justifying the sale of Mario/Duckhunt at 30 dollars, but this will hopefully get better as knowledge spreads and "hipsters" move on to the next fad.

Time will tell to see if all of this lasts. Until then, continue to wear your NES controller belt buckle with pride and buying up all the "MARIO DUCK HUNT SUPER RARE" cartridges you can find.


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