Welcome to the Super Rad Arcade!

I'm Ryan, otherwise known as FistoftheWind on the internets. This is my personal space for retro video gaming, movie and television reviews as well as a lot of other junk from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for stopping by! When you're done reading be sure to check the forum link above and meet our other friends from the Mega Base.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody is watching."

~Mark Twain

In other words, live every moment without hesitation and to your fullest capacity. Few people are able to truly do this with their lives, but I can say I've met someone who did.

Earlier this week our dear friend, Hopey Reynolds, passed away. She was always happy, up, loud and overflowing with life! If you've known her even for only a short time, I'm sure she was able to touch your life and inspire some happiness in you as well.

She was always so open and unjudging. I don't think she saw flaws in anyone, just who you truly are. And if you have a habbit of hiding your true self , she was one to pull you out of your shell fast, like she did with me.

From the beginning, Caiti and I were welcomed into her home with open arms and treated as if we were family. My only regret is that we didn't meet her and Gene sooner. Gene and Hopey's love for one another is inspiring to me and has taught me to cherish my family and friends above all else.

The world has lost someone truly special this week. You will be very deeply missed, Hopey. But you will live on through our hearts and memories, because of the lessons you taught us all in laughing, loving, and living life to the fullest.

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