Welcome to the Super Rad Arcade!

I'm Ryan, otherwise known as FistoftheWind on the internets. This is my personal space for retro video gaming, movie and television reviews as well as a lot of other junk from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for stopping by! When you're done reading be sure to check the forum link above and meet our other friends from the Mega Base.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fight Club season 1 final thoughts

This past weekend we wrapped up the final tournament of the first season of our fight club and I wanted to share some of my thoughts on the whole experience.

First of all I want to say that I'm proud of everyone who participated for the progress they made with their games. We had some people who'd never touched a fighting game in the beginning and by the time it was over were making it to the finals.

It was great meeting all the new people. Fighting games are competitive in nature, but they create strong bonds as well.

There were a lot of hurdles along the way, mainly in the final month where holidays were concerned. I learned a bit about time management in running these tournaments for everyone. In the future I'll know not to have a season scheduled so late in the year around Thanksgiving and Christmas.

All in all I think everything went very well in general.

I think I've found a way for the next season to run a lot smoother. As soon as I work out a little more about it I'll post more details on it. I hope everyone will come out again to compete.

Until the next round!

Results for season 1 are Here

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