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I'm Ryan, otherwise known as FistoftheWind on the internets. This is my personal space for retro video gaming, movie and television reviews as well as a lot of other junk from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for stopping by! When you're done reading be sure to check the forum link above and meet our other friends from the Mega Base.

Friday, December 3, 2010

New SSFIV Arcade Edition, Evil Ryu & Shin Akuma: My thoughts

Today Capcom revealed a new trailer for Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, which will be released in Japanese arcades on December 16th.

Watch the trailer first and then check out my thoughts below.


Okay, so the trailer is in Japanese but it does show us some obvious things. First, which should be old news now, is that Yun and Yang from the Street Fighter 3 series are being added to the game. You also get a peek at their first alternate costumes.

Next we can gather that the player grading system is being updated and some version of challenge mode is being added. You can also tell that you will be able to use your character card from vanilla SFIV to carry over your stats to Arcade Editon. Pretty cool if you have access to these machines.

The final reveal of the trailer is where I'm most dissapointed. Evil Ryu and Shin Akuma? Really? Doesn't this game already have enough shoto characters to go around? I seriously hope these are just new boss characters, otherwise be prepared to fight the Evil Ryu army online when we get this DLC.

I'd rather not include these characters at all. In my opinion the whole Dark Hadou storyline is completely played out. I'm so tired of it now. Besides, didn't Ryu really overcome his dark urges by the end of the Alpha series and move on? I guess that was back in the day, but no more.

Now we can only hope that those rumors of extra characters will be true. I'm excited about the balance changes and all, but it'll be dissapointing if Capcom can't deliver the things Ono continues to tease and troll about (Poison).
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