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I'm Ryan, otherwise known as FistoftheWind on the internets. This is my personal space for retro video gaming, movie and television reviews as well as a lot of other junk from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for stopping by! When you're done reading be sure to check the forum link above and meet our other friends from the Mega Base.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Nerdy News Digest Week of 3/9

Here we are half way through the month of March already. I've been doing some major slacking here even though there's been plenty of cool entertainment news to talk about. To be honest it's not been the best week for me by a long shot. I've decided the best way to get through this depressing time is to focus on my kids, hobbies, and my writing.

But before I get started I wanted to quickly offer my condolences to the families, friends, and anyone else that was deeply effected by the loss of Leonard Nimoy and Terry Pratchett. The world has lost some truly brilliant people this year. I hope that their legacies continue to inspire generations to come, for that is the best way to eternally honor them.

Nerdy News Digest - Week of 3/9/2015

Disney Announces new Ducktales series - Okay so this was actually announced at the end of February but I'm a huge Ducktales fan so I wanted to at least mention it.

Disney has announced they are planning a new Ducktales series to premier some time in 2017 on Disney XD. There's not a whole lot to know about this yet other than the announcement itself. I hope the original cast is still up for returning to reprise their roles since they did so well in the Ducktales Remastered game release.

Click here for the official announcement.

Street Fighter Assassin's Fist now available on Netflix and Hulu - If you live in the UK then you can check out Assassin's Fist on Netflix now. If you're in the United States though look for it on Hulu Plus.

Assassin's Fist is a much watch for any fan of Street Fighter or martial arts films in general. Check out my review of it here.

Archie Comics has revealed the solicitation blurbs for the first upcoming issues in the worlds unite series - Check this link to read a synopsis of each of the premier issues of their new worlds unite crossover series.

It looks like Sigma is going to be a major player this time around. He's always seemed more sinister than Wily and Eggman to me, so it'll be interesting to see what he tries to do. Check it out! The tree felling robot from Sting Chameleons stage in X1 made the cover of the issue to the left.

Be sure to join the Retro After Dark forum and check out this thread to discuss the Worlds Unite event with us.

Don't forget, tomorrow is Pi day. Math enthusiasts typically celebrate Marth 14th as pi day because the western calendar date matches pi, or 3.14. However, tomorrow is unique because we get a more complete set of digits (3.1415). You can take it a step forward if you decide to celebrate precisely at 9:53 which gives you 3.1415953. This is a once in a lifetime moment as it will not occur again until the year 2115.

So how do you celebrate pi day? If you're a math nut you could calculate digits endlessly as pi never falls into a repeating pattern. Or if you're a simpleton like me you could use it as an excuse to have a slice of your favorite pie for breakfast, which for me would be a pizza pie of course. Breakfast of champions!

Thanks for reading!

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